Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fibromyalgia: The Bane of My Existence

About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Also, about 2 years ago I began to perfect my practice of denial.

Even though I suspected I had it for a long time before my diagnosis, seeing as how I have almost every symptom known to man; even though my doctor diagnosed me without me ever bringing it up; even though I have not known a pain free day since sometime in 2003; even though I have shared with my friends and family that I have Fibro; In the back of my head I'm not convinced. I can still function-kinda. My brain still works like it did-or maybe not. I can recover from a day that is slightly physically challenging-in 2 to 3 weeks. I use my denial to beat myself up and convince myself I am lazy. That does wonders for another of my symptoms: depression.

So, I am going to stop beating myself up! I am going to conquer this--somehow. I know my best best is diet and exercise; however, if you try to find a plan online for an exercise program to combat Fibro all you really find are sites that say it depends on the person, depends on your good days, your bad days; your good time of days, your bad time of days; the type and severity of your symptoms. This is all true, but not very concrete, and while I'm sure it's out there somewhere, I haven't found so much as a sample workout schedule. What I have read is to start slow and with low weights and to include stretching exercises. All good advice, and I have certainly found it to be true in the past.

My goal now is to take this advice and expand on it. I am going to come up with a plan to get fit and feel better. I may not be able to cure this, but I can help myself.

I am officially introducing Fibro Friday. Some time on Friday I will sum up my week to include my actual workouts and what works and doesn't work for me. What works for me may not work for others, and vice versa, but maybe it will help someone make their own plan.

For now, all I know is that I probably won't include pilates. Although I really enjoy it I always end up with throwing my back out after a bit. I believe this has to do with my scoliosis, not my fibro, so pilates would probably be great for someone else. Then again, I may include pilates, one move at a time for a while, and see if I can isolate what exactly is my problem area--cuz like I said I love how it makes me feel, and like I didn't say, but you may have figured out--I'm just stubborn like that!

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