I have had a love hate relationship with my many doctors over the years. I think it would help if I could have the same doctor, but since I am a lifelong military dependent, that is not likely to happen anytime soon. In fact, here you don’t even have the choice to get a doctor downtown. I would like to know why in its infinite wisdom did Tricare assign me a new PCM out of the blue, but left my son with his old doctor? The doctor he has a serious personality conflict with, but I get along with just fine. It’s like they said, “Hmmmm. She has all kinds of things wrong with her. She has her own pharmacy in her house. Let’s use her as a test case for all new doctors/PA’s and move her all over the place. She couldn’t possible benefit from continuity of care.” And then…” Hmmm. 18 year old boy whose biggest problem are his injuries. Boring. We will just leave him where he is.”
Case in point: I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago for my tarsal tunnel. Tarsal tunnel is like carpal tunnel, except it is in your foot and ankle area, and it hurts, a lot. Since I have fibromyalgia, if I say I hurt…I hurt! Since I was there I decided to combine appointments, and get my refills for my medications renewed at the same time. This just might have been a mistake!
I went to the doctor hoping to get some relief for my poor, poor foot that I am seriously considering murdering. I think if I cut it off it would hurt less. Since I have been doing super good at going to the gym, my foot is rebelling. Rebelling. Good word. Maybe I don’t need to murder it. Maybe I can just ground it. Anyway, I was hoping, hoping, hoping to get some advice about my foot because if you look up tarsal tunnel on the internet there is not a lot there. There is a ton about plantar fasciitis, but since they are 2 different things I wanted to make sure I would not further aggravate my foot by using the wrong technique.
This appointment was with a new P.A. I don’t know why they gave me a new PCM since I was specifically put with someone that was supposed to be a good internist because of my Fibromyalgia and PCOS, etc., but they did. This new P.A. has a one track mind. She was friendly enough, but all she cared about was renewing my meds and running blood work to make sure my meds weren’t harming me. This is great. I want her to care about that, but considering I can’t hardly walk without shooting, sharp pains, I would also like her to care about that, too.
I had to pull every bit of information about my foot out of her like detective in an interrogation room. She didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know, but one good thing that she might have told me was mentioned in the paper on (believe it or not) plantar fasciitis. The paper said to stop doing whatever it is that is aggravating the foot. Since I did tell the P.A. that I had been (am) going to the gym for an hour and a half to two hours a day five days a week, that might have been a really good thing for her to mention.
But! That was not the main concern I had about this visit. The main concern? I went in for my foot, and she never even looked at my foot. Not once. This does not make me feel very confident in the level of care I receive!!
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