Saturday, September 8, 2012

Random Memories From When My Child Was a Cute Tiny Little Thing

Like most toddlers and young children, when Brendan was little he said and did things we thought we would never forget. Believe it or not, now that he is 19 we have forgotten a lot of those things. My mom, in her infinite wisdom, decided to write down some of those things and has kept the list in her Bible. Later this month when I go visit her I am going to have to check those things out!

In the meantime, here are some things I remember about that time:

"hanna bow go" was a hamburger

"ata gator" was both an elevator and the reptile that lives in Florida resembling a crocodile.

"stwaving" meant he was very, very hungry. Starving, even. You would have thought he grew up in New Yawk...or Bwoston.

I was always asking him who gave him permission to keep growing up. One day he came up with the perfect infallible answer, "Jesus did." How can you argue with that?

A little bit older...

Walking in the room while my mom was reading her Bible, "Are you sharpening your sword?"

The first time the church had communion after he had been baptized while listening to the sermon, he leans over to me and whispers, "When are we having God's Lunch?"

A bit older than that...

About 9 years old, Michael is deployed to Kuwait for the year, and I am admitted to the hospital with what turns out to be a large ovarian cyst. Fortunately my mom happens to be visiting, and when Brendan and she leave to go home the first night, he says forlornly, "Now they're both gone." BROKE.MY.HEART.

That's all I've got for now. I will have to keep thinking on it.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Toddler-Lite AKA Adventures in Kitten-Hood

I have decided having a kitten is like toddler-lite. I have said things in the last few months that as the mother of a 19 year old I would never say again.

Things like, “No you cannot chew on the charger.” Or “Stop chewing on the charger. It’s plugged in and you are going to get electrocuted.” Or “No, you can’t sleep on the kitchen counter.” Yes, I have actually had to “child proof” the myriad of chargers in this house. I’m just glad we didn’t have all of these chargers when I actually did have a toddler in the house. As it was, the human-child toddler managed to cut the cord to my sewing machine in half while I was less than 6 feet away from him looking at the hem I had just sewn.

I have also discovered that kittens are thieves. At least this one is. If it is shiny, it is fair game. Paper clips, necklaces, and don’t even get me started on twist ties. Twist tie makes must infuse the plastic with some sort of pheromone because if I open something with a twist tie anywhere in the package Pippa has stolen the thing before I have even realized it is there.

Don’t even expect to work on a project with small parts or needing a large workspace. Small parts? See above, they are gone. Need a large workspace? Well, she needs a nap, right now and right there! How can such a tiny thing take up so much room?

Oh, they are also sneaky, and they can move like the wind. I have opened closet or bedroom doors quickly slipped through and closed the door thinking I have thwarted her efforts to get in only to hear a forlorn mewing a few minutes later because she was trapped. What is she? Invisible? I didn’t even see her going in!

Also, like toddlers, she seems to think my food is her food. Why? She has food. Her very own food, with her very own dish, but that’s not good enough. She wants mine…Always. Did you know that cats like oatmeal? Me neither.

Of course, after she drives you completely crazy she comes up and curls her little self behind your crooked knees and makes herself a little nest and goes to sleep. They are so cute when they are sleeping.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Okay, I Admit It. I Was Wrong

As most of America knows, several years ago Swiffer put out a dusting product. Most everyone knows this because they put out some pretty cute commercials that were played on every television show known to man.

I had tried the Swiffer sweepers, and I wasn’t all that impressed. I preferred my microfiber mop, and still do. For dusting I use an old fashioned felt like dust rag. I have also used microfiber, but it seemed to push the dust around more than anything. I just didn’t see the use of a product that just creates more waste, and ends up costing me money to replace instead of just washing.

Then I moved into this house of windows-- lots and lots of windows covered by lots and lots of blinds. Dusting with a cloth just took up too much time, the feather duster didn’t work well, and the microfiber over the finger-like extensions designed to go between the blinds just plain took too long. By the time I was finished with one set of blinds I was DONE!

As I was walking through the aisles of the grocery store, I spied the Swiffer dusters. The same dusters I have been scoffing at since they came out. Now, however, I was desperate. I can’t stand seeing the dust on the blinds, and I can’t stand dusting them, so I decided to give them a shot.

The next night I tried them. I have to admit, my expectations were low, very low. Well, let me tell you…these things are AWESOME! I was able to dust all of my blinds in my living room and dining room, 8 sets, as well as, all of the furniture with one Swiffer thingie (<

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fibro and Fitness Friday

The purpose of these posts is to document my journey with Fibromyalgia. I hope to see improvement over time that might go unnoticed in day to day living.

OK, so I managed to get my rear in gear and get to the gym every day this week, and by every day I mean Monday-Friday because we all know that Saturday and Sunday are bonus days. I hope to get myself to the gym at least on Saturday for a light workout. Frankly, my workouts this week have been lacking. I put in the time, but I just didn’t feel good about them. Part of that could be because I am going through a bit of a flare right now.

This week I am still struggling with my foot hurting which causes me to have to concentrate more on how to position foot not only so my foot makes it through my workout, but so that I don’t end up hurting my knees by walking funny.

The Fibro thing that is all up in my face this week is fatigue. I feel like I could sleep 20 hours a day. I don’t, but I think I could. I have stopped using 5 hour energy drinks to make it through my workouts, but I think maybe I could keep them on hand for weeks like this. I just wish they didn’t have Splenda in them. I really, really don’t like Splenda. It has a terrible taste to it. For all of you who can’t taste it—I don’t like you anymore. ;P

Fitness—like I said I managed to get to the gym, but I didn’t do my stairs. I did get Week 4 of couch to 5K done. It was rough. I don’t know whose brilliant idea it was to try to increase my speed on the elliptical by completing this program, but I’m sure it wasn’t mine. At least it wasn’t sane me. It might have been crazy me.

So, Couch to 5K on the elliptical MWF, regular elliptical on TTH, and 45-85 minutes on the treadmill Tuesday-Friday, and the recumbent bike for 65 minutes on Monday. My goal for next week is to continue with Couch to 5K, and to mix it up a bit more with the bike and treadmill. I also want to get back into my stairs and rebounder at home.

As far as Fibro goes I want to research ways to combat the fatigue. Honestly, the fatigue kicks my butt every time!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wanna Know Why Military Doctors Have a Bad Name?

I have had a love hate relationship with my many doctors over the years. I think it would help if I could have the same doctor, but since I am a lifelong military dependent, that is not likely to happen anytime soon. In fact, here you don’t even have the choice to get a doctor downtown. I would like to know why in its infinite wisdom did Tricare assign me a new PCM out of the blue, but left my son with his old doctor? The doctor he has a serious personality conflict with, but I get along with just fine. It’s like they said, “Hmmmm. She has all kinds of things wrong with her. She has her own pharmacy in her house. Let’s use her as a test case for all new doctors/PA’s and move her all over the place. She couldn’t possible benefit from continuity of care.” And then…” Hmmm. 18 year old boy whose biggest problem are his injuries. Boring. We will just leave him where he is.”

Case in point: I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago for my tarsal tunnel. Tarsal tunnel is like carpal tunnel, except it is in your foot and ankle area, and it hurts, a lot. Since I have fibromyalgia, if I say I hurt…I hurt! Since I was there I decided to combine appointments, and get my refills for my medications renewed at the same time. This just might have been a mistake!

I went to the doctor hoping to get some relief for my poor, poor foot that I am seriously considering murdering. I think if I cut it off it would hurt less. Since I have been doing super good at going to the gym, my foot is rebelling. Rebelling. Good word. Maybe I don’t need to murder it. Maybe I can just ground it. Anyway, I was hoping, hoping, hoping to get some advice about my foot because if you look up tarsal tunnel on the internet there is not a lot there. There is a ton about plantar fasciitis, but since they are 2 different things I wanted to make sure I would not further aggravate my foot by using the wrong technique.

This appointment was with a new P.A. I don’t know why they gave me a new PCM since I was specifically put with someone that was supposed to be a good internist because of my Fibromyalgia and PCOS, etc., but they did. This new P.A. has a one track mind. She was friendly enough, but all she cared about was renewing my meds and running blood work to make sure my meds weren’t harming me. This is great. I want her to care about that, but considering I can’t hardly walk without shooting, sharp pains, I would also like her to care about that, too.

I had to pull every bit of information about my foot out of her like detective in an interrogation room. She didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know, but one good thing that she might have told me was mentioned in the paper on (believe it or not) plantar fasciitis. The paper said to stop doing whatever it is that is aggravating the foot. Since I did tell the P.A. that I had been (am) going to the gym for an hour and a half to two hours a day five days a week, that might have been a really good thing for her to mention.

But! That was not the main concern I had about this visit. The main concern? I went in for my foot, and she never even looked at my foot. Not once. This does not make me feel very confident in the level of care I receive!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fibro Friday Revisited

Ok, so I have totally, totally failed at Fibro Friday. Unless Fridays only come like twice a year in which case I have totally ROCKED Fibro Friday, and you’re welcome! Just in case Fridays come more often, though, I am here to say I am going to give it another shot.

I am going to change up my original plan, though, and call it Fibro and Fitness Friday. Since the beginning of the year I have been doing really well with going to the gym and watching what I eat with the exception of 3 days this week where I let illness, school stress and the stress of my husband getting a lung biopsy get the better of me. I believe if it had been one or the other or even if illness was removed from the equation I would have done better. So, anyway, since I have been doing well on the fitness area, I am going to add it in as added incentive to get my rear in gear.

Some things I have learned about my fibro since I last wrote:
1. PMS week is an especially vulnerable time. I often have flares this week.
2. The flare related back pain I get has been greatly reduced since taking on a regular workout schedule.
3. Sometimes my flares take on flu like symptoms right down to a sore throat, coughing and sneezing. (This is not the case with this cold, though, since EVERYONE in my house has it.)
4. If I start out slowly, I can work up to quite the workout—right now I am at 25-35 minutes on the elliptical and 60-85 minutes on the treadmill every day.
5. I really, really need to listen to my body. This I am not so good at. (I know you are shocked!)

So, here goes! I am going to give this another shot (not with a needle, I hate those).
Oh, and yes, I know it is Saturday and not Friday, but, you know, Fibro and Fitness Saturday just doesn’t have the cool alliteration that Fibro and Fitness Friday does. Besides, I wouldn’t want to accidently get all perfect with this at once, now would I?

I'm so, so sorry

A few months ago, September 1st to be exact, we closed on schedule for the house I was so panicky about. The last few months have been spent moving in and painting and planning and painting and yard work and painting. And did I mention painting? We have painted almost every room in the house, and we love it!

Part of the fun has been planning all the things we want to do to make the house ours. This is something we have never been able to do since we have always lived either in base housing or rentals near the base where we lived. Now that we have our own home we have had a blast doing whatever we want to our home.

There are many things we would like to do, and nothing we have to do because the man who built this house did a great job. We want to do things like finish the basement, put up and backsplash and turn the second kitchen into a den/study. Yes, you read that right. We have 2 kitchens. Right next to each other. The other weird thing is that off of that second kitchen there is a bathroom/laundry room that has two doors… one into the kitchen, and one—Into the master bathroom. So, side by side are 2 kitchens and 2 bathrooms.

Today, while contemplating my lack of a broom closet it occurred to me that the space behind the door connecting the 2 bathrooms in the master bathroom would make a great broom closet. Right off of the laundry. We would need to turn the regular door into a pocket door, and half a wall built, but I think it would be perfect. My son, however, not so much. Guess why. No really. Guess why my 18 year old son does not think I should have a broom closet built…Money. He thinks it would be a waste of money. This is my son who all through high school when talking about what kind of car he wants did not talk about some fast sports car or a powerful, cool truck. All he cared about was that the car had good gas mileage. Really. I think my son has been possessed by a 45 year old CPA.

I write all of this to apologize. I sincerely apologize to the future Mrs. Brendan. If you want to do something that is beyond what is actually needed, really needed, not just a convenience or nice looking, you are going to have your work cut out for you. On the bright side, he will probably be a millionaire.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Excuse Me...I'm Sick, Not You!

Warning: This post is a big whinefest. I blame lack of oxygen due to not being able to breathe.

Why is it that whenever I get sick everyone in my house also claims to be sick? I think they are jealous. I don't know why they are jealous, but they are jealous.

I started feeling bad about 3 nights ago with a head cold. Well I thought it was a head cold until I went to the gym yesterday morning and then tried to cough up a lung when I got home. That is when my son told me, "I think you should have stayed home." Yes, son, good thing you are here because I never would have figured that one out. Of course, he had to say this every time I started in on a coughing fit. Stop rubbing it in already! I know. I am a stubborn, stubborn woman.

I have my reasons for going, though. I am finally into a good routine, and if I break it I am afraid I will not get started again. Don't worry, I was very careful to clean every surface with antibacterial wipes before I left, and, really, I really did think it was just a head cold or maybe even allergies at the time.

Anyway, back to everyone else suddenly deciding they are sick. Last night Michael comes home from work, and tells me I made him sick. His eyes had been running all day. Um...NO! I did not make you sick it hasn't been enough time for me to have made you sick. Besides, haven't you learned the rule about only one person being allowed to be sick at a time? It's my turn. You have to feel sorry for me! It is critical to my recovery! Seriously, pity, it ranks right up there with chicken soup. (Harrumph!)

Then today I suggest Michael and Brendan go out for Chinese food, and I will eat the aforementioned chicken soup. Michael is all over that one, except now Brendan says he doesn't feel well either. Why can those two NOT follow the rules?! I said I am the only one allowed to be sick. You have to pick a different time. Do I need to start a calendar? Everyone can just mark their "to be sick" days on the calendar just like vacation time at work. It would be much more convenient for me. I, myself, will choose Oct 32nd in the year 2382. I think that will give me sufficient time to die first.

Then again, maybe I will still be sick in 2382. After all, I am not getting my prescribed pity here. I may have to hold a class for them. "How to Properly Feel Sorry for Your Wife and Mother When She is Sick". ;P