Friday, October 22, 2010

Fibro Friday: Week 2 Still slow, but picking up speed

It's not my plan to only do the fibro posts, but another week has passed me by, and it is Friday again.

This week I wasn't as good about doing the back exercises. I believe I only did them once this week... Insert self flagellation with a wet noodle... I did notice on that one day that the "my body is trying to disconnect at my lower spine" feeling was not as bad. It still hurt, but I did notice an improvement.

I was actually better at bike riding...Insert self adulation with pats on the back...I actually rode the bike 3 times this week, and progressively increased the distance. I only had mild muscle pain, but my hips hurt quite a bit afterwards. They hurt to the point that I was having trouble sleeping. I happened to have a follow up with the spine doctor today, so I mentioned it to him. He thinks it might be pelvic girdle displacement, so I need to look up exercises to help with that now.

The bad news is I decided to start a flare today. It's loads of fun. You should give it a try. I seem to have a pattern that coincides with my menstrual enter dripping sarcasm after the word fun...

My shins are burning, my knees hurt, the joint in my right thumb hurts when I use it,my upper back is sore, my feet are more sensitive and my head is killing me. I also learned I had a slight fever of 99.1 when I went to the doctor. I think I will have to start taking my temperature to see if there is a correlation. Especially since when I went to the doctor, I felt fine. It was about 4-5 hours later that I started to feel bad.

My hope is that when I look back on this in the next few months that the level of symptoms will be lessened, and the number of symptoms will also be lower.

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