Warning: This post is a big whinefest. I blame lack of oxygen due to not being able to breathe.
Why is it that whenever I get sick everyone in my house also claims to be sick? I think they are jealous. I don't know why they are jealous, but they are jealous.
I started feeling bad about 3 nights ago with a head cold. Well I thought it was a head cold until I went to the gym yesterday morning and then tried to cough up a lung when I got home. That is when my son told me, "I think you should have stayed home." Yes, son, good thing you are here because I never would have figured that one out. Of course, he had to say this every time I started in on a coughing fit. Stop rubbing it in already! I know. I am a stubborn, stubborn woman.
I have my reasons for going, though. I am finally into a good routine, and if I break it I am afraid I will not get started again. Don't worry, I was very careful to clean every surface with antibacterial wipes before I left, and, really, I really did think it was just a head cold or maybe even allergies at the time.
Anyway, back to everyone else suddenly deciding they are sick. Last night Michael comes home from work, and tells me I made him sick. His eyes had been running all day. Um...NO! I did not make you sick it hasn't been enough time for me to have made you sick. Besides, haven't you learned the rule about only one person being allowed to be sick at a time? It's my turn. You have to feel sorry for me! It is critical to my recovery! Seriously, pity, it ranks right up there with chicken soup. (Harrumph!)
Then today I suggest Michael and Brendan go out for Chinese food, and I will eat the aforementioned chicken soup. Michael is all over that one, except now Brendan says he doesn't feel well either. Why can those two NOT follow the rules?! I said I am the only one allowed to be sick. You have to pick a different time. Do I need to start a calendar? Everyone can just mark their "to be sick" days on the calendar just like vacation time at work. It would be much more convenient for me. I, myself, will choose Oct 32nd in the year 2382. I think that will give me sufficient time to die first.
Then again, maybe I will still be sick in 2382. After all, I am not getting my prescribed pity here. I may have to hold a class for them. "How to Properly Feel Sorry for Your Wife and Mother When She is Sick". ;P