I woke up my sleeping teenage son, not recommended for those at home, by the way, to take him to attempt to get his driver's permit. What teenage boy needs to be dragged to the DMV to get a permit? Mine, and only mine. He is a freak of nature. I could open my own circus.
So, I get him to the DMV, and while we are waiting our turn, I am a nervous wreck, and he is calmer than a glassy lake. I am wringing my hands, praying,and chewing my nails. He is reading a book. And not the driver's manual-just a book. Everyone else there to take a written test was reading the driver's manuel, but not my son. Freak.of.nature!
So finally he gets called up, and I am still worrying and praying and praying some more. Ten minutes later, just as nonchalantly as when we were waiting he walks up to the counter and picks up his temporary permit. Success!!!!! Now, I just have to worry about accidents, not coming home until 2am, and picturing him driving on the interstate, in the snow, that is covering the ice, next to an erratic driver. Hmmm, maybe the DMV will take back the permit.